Cast, Crew, and Soundtrack

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Contract Killer - Cameron Powley
Chen Lin - Simon Beck
Security Guard - Jonny How
Embassy Employee - Eugene Kang

Director - Joel-Adam Powley
Co-Director - Jonny How
Screenplay - Joel-Adam Powley
Lighting - Jonny How
              - Eugene Kang
Camera Operator - Joel-Adam Powley
Editor - Joel-Adam Powley
          - Jonny How


"Hitman Contracts - Weapon Select Beats"
Written and Composed by Jesper Kyd

"Hong Kong Underground" 
Written and Composed by Jesper Kyd

"Slow Ambience" 
Written and Composed by Jesper Kyd

"Metal Gear Solid - Warhead Storage"
Artist - Konami

"Hong Kong"
Written and Composed by Jesper Kyd

"28 Days Later - In The House"
Artist - In A Heartbeat

Written and Composed by Jesper Kyd
Trailer Music
"Knives Bullets (and Cannons Too)"
Written and Composed by Dario Marianelli
V For Vendetta

